Over to you. Thank you. Good afternoon to all of you. I realized we are running 15-20 minutes late. I wish this presentation was done by ignio. It usually improves productivity by 10X, so it will be done in 1 1/2 minutes. Unfortunately, my child is much more productive than I am, so I will take my 10-15 minutes. I wish I could do it any faster. So I think we are going to do three or four quick things. I want to tell you a little bit about why did we build Ignio. So what does it do? Why is it so cool? And what is where are we today and where are we going? So I'll try and just give you a quick glimpse of all these five things. As we go through SO since morning, you've heard a lot about the whole digital revolution and. What it is bringing for every industry is extremely accelerated pace of change and companies that are not going to adapt to it, they're essentially going to cease to exist in near future, right now if you ask the question, So what led to the design of Ignio was really a basic question. That if technology is at the heart of reimagining all of these businesses. How is technology itself being managed? And it turns out that in most enterprises we are still very dependent on people's tacit knowledge, intuition, experience that people gather over a period of time to actually run technology and operations. In fact, in most enterprises you have designed organizational structures that have been divided into so many layers and silos that no one really has an end to end understanding. Everybody has a fragmented view of the world, which basically makes everything sluggish. The active and very manual, right. So the question was how do we reimagine how technology itself is designed, built and run in large enterprises And that's what led to the design of today's Ignio, right? So today's Ignio essentially. Replaces these people centric services with what we have coined the concept of services as software. Right. So anything that you can today define as a service is now replaced by an intelligent piece of software. That is immensely context aware and unified. So we go away from the fragmented views that exists today to a unified view from inconsistency that arises because of people dependence to something that is highly consistent and agile, from reactive to proactive and from manual to autonomous. And we introduced Ignio around in the June time frame. We launched Ignio, which is the first neural automation platform for IT operations and also we introduced this whole. Category of software defined services or as Chandra was mentioning earlier today, the concept of dematerialized services where everything that you essentially think about as a service is now an intelligent piece of software. Let me try and explain to you what is so special about Ignio and where, why did we do what we did. So over the last five years, actually we have been using automation is not new and there are a time a dozen products in the market that actually do automation. What actually all of these products essentially do what I would call robotic automation or Runbook Automation. And these robotic or runbook automation solutions essentially require you to take a standard operating procedure for performing any task or an activity, essentially write it down as a program or script or a workflow and feed that into an orchestration engine which simply runs that particular script if you will win a task arises. So it is Dom in nature, it's just simply automates, it doesn't. So it's not really effective in adapting and what we found over our multiple years of experience doing this is that these solutions fail to scale or accommodate the diversity that exists within complex enterprises and more importantly, they fail to deliver sustainable value. Because this whole concept of robotic automation works very well if what you are automating doesn't change. But if you actually think about any enterprise today, everything is changing all the time. I mean, you look at the examples that you have been talking about since morning, everything is changing and any time something changes, whatever you have automated yesterday essentially stops working and as a result it becomes obsolete. So you need something that is fundamentally ahead of this robotic model. So ignio actually adds 3 interesting levels of sophistication. beyond this robotic automation, the first thing it does is that it has the ability, just like people. The ability to think and act like an expert. So it basically has the ability to become context aware, become aware of the environment it is running in, reason about that environment, understand what is happening and then take decisions. So it essentially autonomously steers the solution by itself, exactly like how our brain works, right, You and I don't have a procedure encoded that says how do you, how will you get out of this building? Right. You essentially build that procedure on the fly as you go through each and every step, right? Ignio does exactly that. There are no standard procedures. It builds the procedure on the fly using much human like intellect. It doesn't stop there. It has the ability to do introspection. Right. It constantly keeps asking why am I doing what I'm doing and is there a way to actually eliminate or optimize what I'm doing right so it actually embodies this eliminate first philosophy? So that it can continuously in some sense transform what it does right? And then the most sophisticated level of functionality is to actually start thinking about the future. So what Ignio has is the ability to run sophisticated simulations to actually ask very complex what if questions, what will happen if my bank is going to accommodate 5000 or a 5 million additional accounts, Will my IT keep up if I'm going to go through an M&A, what is the impact of that M&A on my IG right. Things like these questions require extreme expert knowledge which actually Ignio automates. Or ignore as a platform that is a single platform that transcends this entire spectrum. Of sophistication from robotic automation all the way to something that actually redefines or helps you actually define the future. So that's why it's a cognitive system for enterprises. There's some. Here are some examples of the kinds of use cases that it has been used today till date. So most enterprises struggle to construct a 360 degree view right of what they have. And in fact with the kinds of instrumentation that we have talked about that are emerging, all of these instruments or sensors give you siloed V pieces of information. Igneo has the ability to construct piece all of these things together and construct a 360 degree view. Of enterprise and its operations. It applies a lot of machine learning technique, deep learning techniques to essentially. Understand what is normal, abnormal trends patterns and so on, which is what it actually used to derive insights and recommendations. It has the ability to then act on the insights that have been derived to automatically sell feel. So for example a bank large trade settlement application is running slowly, it has the ability to auto triage. So essentially do a detailed health diagnostics of that application, identify where there are deviations from. Expected behavior? Narrow it down to a probable cause, identify a fix, and apply a fix all autonomously without really any human intervention. More importantly, without explicitly being told what to do in that situation. Right. So that's what makes it incredibly powerful. It predicts impact of change because if you actually look at some of the statistics, 80% of outages. That are actually happening in most in most enterprises today are either caused by change or human errors and the ability to predict the impact of any action before action is actually implemented is something that Ignio does to completely transform that space and then the ability to detect and mitigate operational risks, including human error, right. So Ignio has been deployed in various phases in different enterprises delivering very substantial value in each case. As you see going doing proactive health diagnostics, taking what used to take 4 hours is actually happening in less than 10 minutes. Disaster recovery trials, the time to onboard an employee, it's actually a huge challenge for most enterprises, often takes several days. It happens now within basically less than two hours, ability to triage and recover several hours to less than a few minutes. And in fact, even the ability to predict the impact of business change, you're adding five million additional customers. What is the impact on it? What should I do and how long, what will it cost me and whether I will be able to accommodate that? I mean, this is something that an expert would take weeks, if not months that happens in less than two hours with Ignia, right, because of the ability to build a context awareness around very sophisticated techniques underneath the covers to actually do this. So where are we today? We have. In the past six months more than 14 customers that are actually spanning all the spectrums. Today we near the essentially used for infrastructure or IT operations and all of these are customers that are essentially across different geographies primarily in English speaking countries today that's where we are taking Ignio too. Just want to say one last thing, which is where are we going? with Ignio If you actually just take a step back and listen to all the presentations that you have heard today. Right. What you have heard is that we are entering an incredibly not only hyper connected, but a hyper instrumented world. Where every sensor or instrument is going to generate vast volumes of data, what is needed in all of these different domains, whether it is the retail stores that critique talked about or trucks or your pharma drug discovery exercises and so on and so forth. All of these domains are essentially going to become highly data centric and they are already highly data centric domains. The challenge now is building a layer of intelligence on top of that, which essentially allows you to derive insights, understand what is normal. Determine actions and operationalize these actions and that's exactly what Ignio does. So our aspiration or where are the strategy is to actually take ignore to essentially apply to any problem from IT operations to business operations and everything in between which actually can be modeled very nicely using this layer of intelligence that we are essentially adding with that the. I mean the intention is to essentially go to a solution where every service becomes an piece of intelligent software and this piece of intelligence software is essentially available as an Ignio app, if you will be call it Ignio capability, which is available in an ignio store. You simply download it on ignio, and ignio can perform that service for you. So the day is not far when you can basically take any service. Make it available on the Ignio store and instantaneously get it to run on Ignio. So you're sort of getting closer and closer to the notion of Matrix where you will download knowledge capsule from Ignio Store onto Ignio to actually perform any complex service moving forward. So with that, let me stop. Thank you very much.