How can data and analytics be an integral part of your organization's ecosystem? Can its value aligned to your business performance? Today, organizations work a lot with data to evaluate and resolve performance barriers and targeting where these performance optimizations need to be implemented can be a sluggish process. TCS brings you an effective and smarter way to do both the TCS data on Atlas. Atlas makes it easy to identify the right combination of analytics interventions needed to solve a given business problem. It does this by mapping various performance indicators under different business functions, aligning them with the identified business challenges, and measuring their impact on stakeholders closest to them. It's powerful. Lineage visualization breaks down business challenges, providing much needed analytical response to help curb risks. TCS Datom Atlas is a segue to a larger data on framework that focuses on providing A comprehensive view of people. Processes, technologies and data and their interdependencies, setting you on a pathway to building efficient analytic strategies that directly influence Better Business outcomes. TCS datom driving data centricity for enterprise ecosystems.