Hello, I'm Emma Walden, broadcaster and correspondent in residence at several of the Globe's largest innovative industry events. Today I'll be joined by two expert panellists to discuss the power of artificial intelligence to truly transform businesses. When we talk about AI, there's a tendency to think of it as a technology of the future. But AI is here now. It's everywhere in our day-to-day lives. But what AI can do for us today is just the tip of the iceberg. It will be the driver of change on a scale few have imagined, the 4th Industrial Revolution. As such, the imperative now is to shift our perception of AI adoption as a technology play and to really engage with it as a driver of Business Innovation and transformation. The impact of AI on industries including banking, financial services, healthcare and retail will be vast. It's going to change the future of business. So I'm delighted that here with me today to share their unique insights and to examine how leaders must shift their mindsets are to innovators in cloud transformation. Nidhi Srivastava, Vice President and Global Head, Google Business Unit at Tata Consultancy Services and Scott Penberthy, Director, Applied AI Office of the CTO at Google Cloud, Welcome to both of you. Well, as I indicated in that introduction, there's a surge in AI adoption with according to Everest Group research, more than 72% of enterprises embarking on their AI journeys last year. Nidhi, if I could perhaps start by asking you for your broad overview of what impact we're seeing and we're starting to see AI really having on business transformation. AI aving a tremendous impact on business transformation, so much so that every business is becoming an AI first business. And what that means is the shift in the mindset of the leaders to leverage AI as a transformative technology in the way they work with their clients, in the way they engage with their employees, in the way they drive sustainability of their businesses. So to be able to do that, it is the Holy Trinity of data cloud and AI coming together to change the way we live our lives. So a strategy that puts AI at the core, moving away from a mindset where it's seen as an add on to existing systems. Scott, what role will cloud play in enabling such adoption of AI? Well, Goshema, you know, you said earlier these experts in AI don't know if I call myself an expert or a student. And because it's highly complex, I mean, I just saw this last week. You can write a few a few sentences and AI critics, amazing images. And that technology requires these massive machines to be trained over months, millions of dollars, all kinds of, you know, fancy data pipelines. But with Cloud, it's a function call, It's an API call. And that to me is almost magical, right? And I think now the question is, if that's at the fingertips of every business, how do you weave that into business and take away the mundane? How do you take processes and enable them with the power of AI, just like not he was talking about. And that to me is why Cloud's so transformative, because you don't have to worry about setting up these massive machines, figuring out the latest new chipset and all the new algorithm. Just go use it and pay for it by the drip. And to me, to me, that's the magic of why Cloud has such a pivotal role in allowing the adoption of AI in industry. OK. So that's sort of the big picture that you've both described there of what's happening. Let's try now to perhaps talk about specifics. Nidhi, can you talk about how AI will impact? I think you mentioned banking and finance. Oh yeah, is going to transform banking in a huge, huge way in three ways particularly that I see. One is the ability to offer banking everywhere through digital channels. So think micro loans. Think microbanking. Think emerging economies. So that is a huge potential that I see. The second thing is we will see a lot of conversational AI. You know, transforming the customer experiences know and at extremely, extremely optimal price points if I may say so. And the third thing is we'll see a lot of machine learning used for risk and fraud management. So that's how I see AI transform banking and another key area as well Scott is healthcare. That's going to be completely transformed. What do you expect to see there? I like what you're going for. It's two things, health and wealth. It's for everybody, right. And I think health in my goodness, let's look at the US right, $4 trillion. It's amazing. It's way too much. And so how do we get more bank for a buck in the whole industry? Find the AI has two simple things that can help us with. One is I call the boring billions, which is a better experience? Like why can't you talk to a machine instead of having to call up and ask questions about your benefits, Right. Or how much will this cost me? And so I think you can start to take a lot of things we have to use labor for today. But machines can now read and understand and answer questions. That's fascinating, that that's potential. Take a few billion off the top and the next thing coming in a few years is not only have a better experience for all of us, but much more precise medical care, because now we can actually read at a nanoscale. Nanoscale is 100,000 little clicks between a millimeter on a ruler. We can read what's happening is your DNA. What not to understand what's happening in your own body to give you the best care possible. And then personalized medicine. And I think we're going to see a big change in that in just in a few years. So it's basically bottom line, it's better experiences and better precision means a lot bigger bang for your buck in the four trillion. Hopefully take that down to three, that'd be amazing. Scott. I loved what you said there about health and wealth. And I guess if we've got more of that being enhanced by AI, then we'll have more time for retail Nidhi, that's going to change dramatically too, isn't it? Absolutely, I think. Retail has undergone a lot of transformation and there's more to come. Just look at the way search works today. So I if I want to buy a new pair of headphones, there is AI ML at work over there. It gives me different models to choose from, and then it also bundles products that would go together with that headphone. So that's it's so seamless and so intuitive that you don't even recognize. That AI is at work and Google Search is the de facto search engine today. Having said this, I would also say that there's a lot of transformation coming into stores. One of our retail clients, they use AI and ML in a big way along with data. To optimize the store layout of products suited to the demographics of that county. So this is just again another case of Omni channel seamless personalization, contextualization coming in through AI. Thanks, Nidhi. So finally, briefly, I could just ask for you to both pick out one thing that you think in terms of AI that will really change the way we live. Scott, if you want to start? Yet that is such a hard, loaded question. I mean, my goodness, the one thing what I really think about is that AI is really becoming a true tool of science. And if we can actually solve general AI, we can now use it to solve everything else. And I think using add to that, that's really going to go back to what I said earlier, really start to allow us to have much healthier, wealthier lives because science now starts to take away all of the mundane and basically help us all. And from my perspective, I think we have. A relationship between human beings and AI. And that relationship is one of trust as we begin to put ourselves into driverless cars. And trust. AI and machine learning to help with robotic surgeries or even in terms of personalizing cancer medicine for you. So I think we are in what I would like to refer to as an eternal spring of AI and. Just the ability to make human lives better is something that makes me very positive, very optimistic and very bullish about. Nidhi, Scott, thank you both so much for sharing your insights today. Unique perspectives really allowing us to understand how leaders, mindsets must evolve to really engage AI as a transformative business strategy. The possibility for industries such as banking, healthcare and retail to begin to be integrated in one ecosystem, an AI to reframe the way we think about it all. Thank you for watching and if you'd like any more information, please contact gbu.marketing@tcs.com.