GenAI-fueled energy transition is a great enabler in charting the future course of utilities.
Energy transition focuses on identifying new utility roles and responsibilities with prosumers at the center, leading to new revenue sources. Meanwhile, there is a need to " keep the lights on” without compromising equity, sustainability, and reliability.
In this journey, utilities empower prosumers, manage intelligent infrastructure, simulate insights, and optimize the smart grid. They also deal with the trilemma of equity, sustainability, and reliability while emphasizing operations. In doing so, utilities need new capabilities like genAI that will bring opportunities at the convergence of industry boundaries and unlock efficiency in the intersection of flexibility, resiliency, and optimization.
According to the TCS AI for business study utilities report, 47% of utilities executives surveyed expect over half of their employees to be using genAI daily within the next three years.
Modern utilities today identify a host of new roles and responsibilities.
Affinity services around empowered consumers and smarter grid management by shifting focus from delivery to discovery are becoming a part of the utility blueprint. Infrastructure management in the energy-sharing economy and information modeling by leveraging the power of the ecosystem are also areas that are being explored.
GenAI acts as a catalyst in underlining many of these new roles and responsibilities of utilities:
A genAI-based solution can answer many of these prosumers’ or utilities’ questions with pertinent details.
Three key focus areas are shaping utilities' core services in the energy transition era.
A plethora of new opportunities gives utilities a new dimension
The success of genAI in accelerating energy transition depends on three key factors:
In conclusion, genAI promotes both sides of energy transition: new roles and responsibilities and core operations of equity, sustainability, and reliability.
Maintaining the right balance and synergy of progress between these two priorities will determine genAI's triumph in driving the energy transition.